On Sunday mornings at 10:30am we gather for a celebratory time of worship! There’s music. There’s coffee. On any given week there could be joy and laughter or tears and vulnerability and healing. It’s not always perfect. On a bad week, the coffee is weak, a microphone feeds back, or someone fasts from showering. We brave these risks.
Life Church is a place where you can come as you are without judgment or condemnation. You can worship with us. You can receive prayer and encouragement. You can be challenged to grow and mature as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Our Sunday celebration culminates in communion and a blessing to live by the grace of God in all of our individual spheres of life. Join us!
(During the week, our LifeGroups meet in a various homes in the area. You should join us for those too!)
- Connection time. The first 5-10 minutes of our service is simply a time to (re)connect with one another, usually with kids running around!
- Announcements. We will share information on a handful of upcoming events.
- Worship. Our worship is contemporary and usually guitar led with any combination of percussion, keys, bass, cello, and violin. It is our joy to invite our kids to join us for worship. We also encourage people to receive prayer in the back of the room during this time if they are so compelled.
- Prayer and Peace. We will close our time of worship with prayer and an invitation to extend the peace of Christ with one another. This time of passing the peace lasts about 5 minutes and is a time when parents usher their kids to their Kids Life classrooms.
- Word. We will hear and read scripture and consider what God desires for us as individuals and as a church.
- Table. Communion comes toward the end our celebration time, but it is the center of everything we do. We slow down, examine our hearts, confess sins to God and receive the consecrated elements of bread (gf) and the cup. The communion table is open to anyone who wants to draw near to God through Jesus Christ.
- Send. After communion we conclude our service by singing the Doxology together and receiving a blessing. The send does not just conclude our service, but invites us to continue our worship as we go out into the world with the life-changing good news of the Love of God.