Life Church has traversed various terrains over the twenty+ years of our existence. Beginning with a dream in their hearts and minds, Curt and Lisa Hughes, our founding pastors, stepped out in faith to trek the path that would lead to Life Church of Wheaton!
In the summer of 1999, Curt and Lisa left their place of ministry in Cincinnati, OH to actively pursue planting Life Church in their home State of Illinois. Over the course of that summer, various individuals also sensed God’s leading and a core team joined them on the journey.
After moving to the area in January, 2000, Curt, Lisa and the core plant team spent two months meeting, praying for and planning the official launch of Life Church. The Korean West Alliance Church graciously offered to share their facility with us on Saturday nights and we were off and running! Life Church had its first official Worship Celebration on April 22, 2000 thanks to their hospitality!
As things progressed and our church grew, we began gathering on Sunday mornings at the Wheaton Community Center in October of 2001. God guided and emboldened an ever evolving group of people to join hands with the goal of reaching the area’s postmodern generation with His eternal message of hope. A common refrain we hear from Life-Churchers – past and present – is that Life Church has been a place of healing. Specifically for de-churched or individuals hurt by past church experiences this sentiment has rung true. We didn’t necessarily plan that, but it seems that God has used Life Church to welcome others as they are, offer authentic community, and point people to Christ. No matter where we were, this is who we were and desire to be.
Several times over the past two decades, and to varying degrees, we have pursued purchasing a building to call our own. Yet, our possessions have been unloaded, setup, utilized, tore down, and re-packed in a trailer, nearly every Sunday.
When Covid hit, we – like many other churches – became well versed in virtual Sunday services and zoom interactions. For in-person gatherings, we followed the discretion of the Wheaton Park District and met online or outside when weather permitted for over a year. In the summer of 2021 we were invited back into the Community center and we immediately began operating like the good old days. The thing is, the good old days never seemed to return. Life Church wasn’t the same. The world wasn’t the same.
For the last year or so we have been asking two questions. Who do we want to be post-Covid (totally recognizing that we are not nearly past it)? And, where is God leading us? We still have the same core values and heart for God to bless people through our ministry. The road to accomplishing this has been bumpy, and a bit windier than before, but we trust that God will continue sustaining us as he has done since Life Church was just a dream. We have trekked many peaks and valleys on our journey. We are twenty-two years old, yet in many ways we feel like we are still just learning to walk. The process is not always easy and it is certainly not perfect, but we try to enjoy every step as we earnestly follow the Holy Spirit’s leading.
Life Church has recently experienced significant transition within our staff. In January, long-time pastors (and all-around beautiful people) Currey and JJ Blandford moved down to their home state of Texas. In June of ’22 Curt and Lisa retired from vocational ministry (although thankfully they are still around and involved)! We have happily added long-time Life Churcher’s Clare and Dan Colwin to our staff to oversee the Kids Life ministry.
We may have changed and the world around us may have changed, but we are so grateful that we worship and follow the God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever more. We would love for you to venture us!