Music with Miss Liz
A virtual music class you can enjoy with your toddler/preschooler while you're social distancing! Just click the link below! Just click the link below.
A virtual music class you can enjoy with your toddler/preschooler while you're social distancing! Just click the link below! Just click the link below.
As we continue to wrestle through racism and our complicity, Nikki Lerner will be joining us on a zoom call to offer some guidance as we seek to understand and...
Join us on our zoom link (found in the LifeLine) for a debrief of our conversation with Nikki Lerner. Let's continue the dialogue about racism and our complicity and what...
Ladies of LifeChurch... Brew some coffee and hop on zoom for a fun time of conversation and connection! Click the zoom link below and refer to the LifeLine for the...
Dudes! We are having another bonfire at Currey's house! Come hang out with us and spend some time in community! Also, don't worry Bears fans... We will have the game on too!!!...
Tuesday at 8pm, we will be having a conversation on part 2 of the PBS series that recently aired called, The Black Church: This is Our Story, This is Our Song. The intimate documentary...
Brew yourself some coffee and enjoy some conversation and connection with other's from LifeChurch including Curt and Lisa! Click the zoom link below.
Open to all! Click the zoom link below.
Tuesday's Bible Study We will resume our study on the book of Revelation at 8:30 on Zoom! Join us as we wrestle with interpreting, understanding and applying this incredible writing!
Nothing says "welcome back!" quite like free food and the Sasser crew! If you're a college student, be sure to sign up and join us on Sunday, 9/12, 6:00-7:30 pm for a...